
Widen your horizon with ebook formatting services

The world of eBooks is revolutionizing very fast and it is every author’s deepest desire to reach to a wider number of audiences across the globe. eBooks are easily accessible, cheaper and easier to carry around. They can be read on personal computers, mobile devices, kindle, etc. The only obstacle between you and your audiences is the excessive number of devices which have flooded the electronics market. 

With eBook formatting services help is at hand!

How will eBook formatting help you?
  • By making use of top quality eBook formatting services, you can change the font, add images, margins, change colors, etc. and customize the same for various devices.
  • eBook formatting services can add a sleek and stylish look to your already published book.
  • These services are an added advantage for those writers who write children’s literature and comics by giving a scope of playing with fonts, formats and styles.
  • First time amateur writers can benefit by using eBook formatting services to attract reader’s attention.
  • eBook formatting companies provide you with seasoned professionals to enhance your eBook to make it more pleasing to the eyes of the reader.

How to choose the most suitable eBook formatting company for your work?
Writers and authors are subject experts in their specific fields but are often ignorant about technological advancements that they can utilize for their growth and visibility. Having given several months or in some cases even some years in compiling their books, they find themselves either groping in the dark or making the wrong choices on how to reach audiences.

Before you outsource you eBook formatting requirements, you should keep in mind the points discussed below:

  • Discuss your needs and requirements clearly and comprehensively with the eBook formatting service provider but be flexible enough to listen to their suggestions and reach a common understanding.
  • You can choose from an extensive range of eBook formatting services to give your work the desired look of perfection. As per your requirement you have an option to select a format from a wide array of eBook formats like ePub, Mobipocket, Adobe PDF, PostScript, and Microsoft Reader.
  • Outsourcing to a professional service provider gives you an advantage of using their expert services in the best interest of your book.
  • Outsourcing will help you find an appropriate company in your budget and is an economical investment when compared to the profits your eBook will make once it gets a good kick start.
  • Fix a time frame with the company.
  • The company should guarantee and respect your need to protect and maintain confidentiality of your eBook.
  • Before outsourcing you can also ask for a free sample or review the work done by the eBook formatting company for its other clients.

What are HTML conversion services and their benefits?

The most vital intention behind establishing a business is profit making. Profitability is directly linked to visibility. Companies need to endorse their information and services on their respective webpages to get more visitors to visit. More visitors bring more business. Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML is universally the most extensively used format, used to display information on the internet since the beginning of the internet and is compatible with widely used browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. Due to innumerable advantages offered by HTML format, companies look for HTML Conversion services to convert their existing format to HTML to make the most out of their web presence.
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) was designed to create web pages and is used to see data and information like text, images, audio or videos about your business and helps the visitors browse through related topics. As compared to other formats HTML is more format-oriented, versatile and adaptable.

Extensible Hypertext Markup Language or XHTML is a fusion between HTML and XML formats used on displays like desktops, mobiles and other wireless devices. XHTML is also referred to as a higher version of HTML with its new and improved features. As an enhanced language, XHTML provides cleaner error free codes and the tags used are closed and organized. It makes it easier for search engines to sense prospective keywords and in turn improves your website's ranking and directs more traffic to your web page. XHTML is compatible with newer browsers as well as older and non HTML browsers. Web developers can incorporate features of CSS in XHTML format, making it easier to update the website.

 Some vastly demanded HTML Conversion services are mentioned below:
  • Conversion of Text Files to HTML
  • Conversion of PDF Files to HTML
  • Conversion of MS-Word Files to HTML
  • Conversion of MS-Excel Files to HTML
  • Conversion of MS-PowerPoint to HTML
  • Conversion of Paper documents to HTML
  • Conversion of RTV and CSV Files to HTML
  • Conversion of ADO Files to HTML
  • Conversion of GIF to HTML
  • Conversion of PNG to HTML
  • Conversion of Quark to HTML
  • Conversion of Flash to html5 conversion services
  • Conversion from microfilm, microfiche, printed documents and other electronic files to HTML
  • Conversion of TIFF to HTML
  • Conversion of JPEG to HTML
  • Conversion of HTML to XHTML format
Professional and experienced HTML Conversion service providers accept documents (hard copies as well as electronic format) and convert them into HTML with equal ease and accuracy. Automated editing can cause hitches while handling complex structures or formats, making the web pages bulky and difficult to upload. On the other hand, manual coding assures neat and clean structure, precision in pixels, W3C compliant HTML/XHTML layouts and supports cross browser compatibility.

Factors to ensure before outsourcing HTML Conversion services:
  1. Time is an important factor to consider before outsourcing any work. Discuss the project requirements with the service provider and fix a committed deadline for the product delivery.
  2. The service provider should be giving you adequate discounts and special offers to cut down on your company costs. Cost saving is a crucial factor in outsourcing jobs.
  3. 24 hours assistance and support along with timely updates on the work progress. Timely updates ensure that changes are incorporated as the project moves instead of redoing the final product.
  4. Quality assurance and complete data security are a must before sharing your business information with the service provider.
  5. Prior experience of the company. Check the other websites the company has worked on to gauge their quality and efficiency.