Define an
An eBook is either a digital duplication of a paperback or can be
written and released keeping in mind the online audience. An eBook is read
using a Computer, Laptop, Smartphones or special eBook reading devices such as the
Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader and Noble and Barn, etc. Different digital reading
devices require different formats to read the book. Devices specially used for
the purpose of reading eBooks and other digital content such as eMagazines and
eNewspapers are called eReaders or e-Book readers.
The eBook audience is growing at a very rapid pace. They are becoming
a fad with all generations across the world. They are various features and advantages
owing to their popularity. eBooks are cheaper than their paper copies and can
sometimes even be downloaded for free. Online libraries and educational and
academic websites give their users the benefit to download and read eBooks for
free or for a nominal fee. Another advantage of eBooks is that a large number
of them can be stored and saved in one device. An eBook reader or a PC can
store several hundreds of books at the same time whereas physically storing the
same number of books requires a lot of space. As per the requirement of the
reader the color, page size, font size, format and other such features can be
customized. There are easily manageable and
most eBook readers, phones and tablets can be carried in handbags or pockets.
outsource eBook conversion requirements to conversion service providers?
Expert, experienced and skilled conversion
Benefit of latest technology and world-class
infrastructure without any investment in the same.
Outsourcing companies adhere to international
quality standards.
Outsourcing companies also have professional
formatting experts to check your eBook for typing, spelling and grammatical mistakes
to provide you with 100% accurately converted and formatted end product.
Expert conversion service providers provide
accurate conversion solutions at the most competitive prices.
Professional eBook companies are expert at
conversion of books or any other scanned document into any electronic format.
They can also covert an eBook from one format to another format.
They can also re-size and re-position the
images and add images or graphics to your existing eBooks.
They can also tag and link the “Index or Table
of Contents” if required.
They can convert your eBooks and paperbacks in
any format such as Amazon kindle, Microsoft
Reader, Palm
Digital Media, Amazon Whispernet, HTML, Mobipocket, PDF, Quark, Adobe InDesign,
MOBI, AZW, PRC, ePub, Adobe Digital Editions, Sony Reader, eReader and Apple
iBooks Author.
To avail professional ebook conversion services, click here