So, what exactly are eBook conversion services?
Converting a paperback or hard bound into an electronic book or
converting an eBook from one e-Book reading format to another e-Book reading
format is known as eBook conversion. eBook conversion services refer to
professional and affordable conversion services provided by outsourcing
companies. With the rise in the readership of eBooks due to their outstanding
features, the demand for reasonable eBook conversion services is also on a gradual rise.
What are the benefits of reasonable eBook conversion services?
Reputed outsourcing companies are working dedicatedly round the
clock to provide the finest and most accurate conversion services to their
clients. With a pool of talented experts, latest conversion technologies and techniques
and state-of-the-art infrastructure these outsourcing companies offer reasonable eBook
conversion services in the fastest possible time and in the most
cost-effective prices.
eBooks are becoming the latest fad with all generations. Writers
and publishers are using reasonable eBook conversion services to reach a wider audience as different eBook readers
require different formats. eBook conversion services augment the appearance and
presentation of your book and content to make it stand out from thousands of
other eBooks available in the market.
An ebook conversion company also offer specialist styling
and formatting services to enhance the text, layout, design and the format of
the eBook. The formatting specialists check the manuscript for typos, spelling
and grammatical mistakes and rectify the same before the conversion process.
The end output
before the final delivery to the client is thoroughly checked, edited and
validated by experts as even minor errors can tarnish the writer’s and the eBook’s
reputation and in turn affect its sales.
outsource conversion requirements to a reasonable eBook
conversion service provider?
1. Offer specialized services in the most competitive prices.
2. Conversion to and from eBook formats like ePub, Mobipocket, Adobe PDF, PostScript, Microsof Reader, Amazon Whispernet and several others.
3. 24/7 availability of conversion specialists to convert even large volumes of files in the tightest deadlines.
4. Cutting-edge technology and software for fast and easy conversion.
5. Significant experience in producing output files with established efficiency and accuracy.
6. Can add, re-size and reposition images and graphics.
7. Remove blank pages, re-page, remove headers/footers and any redundant content as required.
8. Strict confidentiality and safety of the manuscript during and after the conversion process.
9. Empathetic and round the clock customer care to resolve any queries you may have.
10. Free trial sample.