
How to Convert PDFs into Other eBook Reading Formats?

Although, most of the e-Book readers like Kindle, Nook, Sony Pocket Readers and other popular readers support native PDF rendering but not all PDF documents are easily read on small eBook reader’s screen. One major concern with native rendering is that many PDF files are formatted to be read on large screen or to be printed and read in hard copies. Specialized and customized formatting features designed keeping in mind the online audience lose their authenticity and attraction when digital files or e-Books or any digitalized material is printed on paper. A document or a file designed to be displayed on a 20” monitor screen becomes almost unreadable on a 5” smartphone screen.

Today most readers prefer reading digital books over their paper counterparts. Digital books have several advantages like they can be downloaded in large numbers in very less time, they need very less storage space, they are highly affordable and they can be easily carried around. Digital books save money, space and efforts of the readers. Different e-Book readers use different digital devices to read and access eBooks, digital magazines, digital newspapers and other digitalized reading material.

Why to convert a PDF file into other eBook reading formats?
  • PDF has its limitations as it is not accessible on all the eBook readers.
  • Conversion of PDF to other formats/web friendly formats is a difficult task.
  • These files are not easily reflowable.
  • PDF files do not adapt well to various devices and displays. It is difficult to view PDF files on smaller screens.
  • Lastly, the code to generate a PDF file is complex and difficult to master.
  • PDF conversion is an advantageous, beneficial and a smart choice for writers and publishers as well readers to enjoy their digital reading experience.

How to convert a PDF file into other eBook reading formats?

There are various tools to convert PDF to eBooks. Although, some specialized tools like Calibre and K2pdfopt, etc. are available in the market to convert PDF files to other eBook formats. It is a wiser option to avail PDF to eBook conversion services from a professional conversion specialist. Outsourcing firms specialize in conversion services and are proficient in converting any given format into any desired format in the fastest possible time and in the lowest prices. They have the dedicated tools and software and experienced staff to provide their customers with the best solutions as per their needs and requirements.