What is an
An eBook is an electronic book which can be read using a Computer,
Laptop, nearly all Smartphones and special eBook reading gadgets like the Sony
Reader, Noble and Barn, Nooks, Amazon Kindle, etc. Most digital reading devices
require different formats for the reader to read the book. An eBook is either a
digital duplication of a paperback or can be written and released keeping in
mind the online audience. Initially, eBooks could not be downloaded and were
primarily scholarly or technical in nature. With time, eBooks became
downloadable and their sphere also widen to cover electronic magazines, electronic
comics as well as electronic newspapers. Devices specifically used for the
purpose of reading eBooks are called eReaders or e-Book readers.
What are eBook conversion services?
The eBook readership is growing drastically and they are becoming
a fad with all generations. eBooks have innumerous advantages owing to their
popularity. They are cheaper than their paper copies and are sometimes
available even for free download. Online libraries and reference sites give
their users the benefit to download and read eBooks for free or for a nominal
membership fee. Another major advantage of eBooks is they can be stored and
saved in one place. A computer or an eBook reader can store thousands of books
at the same time. Physical storing these many books requires a lot of space and
maintenance. Also, eBooks are easy to access and read. The font size, format,
page size, color and other such things can be increased or decreased as per the
requirement of the reader. They can be
carried easily and most eBook readers, phones and tablets can carried in
handbags or pockets.
Why use
professional eBook conversion services?
Professional conversion service providers have specialized
conversion tools and techniques to rapidly and accurately convert eBooks from
any given format to any format as desired. Even the slightest of mistake or
error can turn off your readers and negatively affect the sales of your books. Document conversion services are highly effective and beneficial for writers as well as publishers.
Digitizing your book ensures that your content reaches a wider audience and by
hiring a conversion specialist you can be assured about perfection and high
quality final output. Conversion professionals are highly experienced and
proficient in their work and can convert large volumes of documents with equal
ease and perfection.
Why outsource eBook conversion services?
- Some of the major benefits of outsourcing are:
- Quality eBook conversion services at cost effective prices
- Latest tools and technology
- More focused and undivided attention to your core activities
- 100% assured confidentiality and security of manuscripts, during and after the assignment
- Faster results in quicker turnaround time
- 24/7 customer support
- Option for final output delivery via any preferred medium